“North Shore Seascapes & Cypress Groves” Point Lobos Sunday July 14th, 2024 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM Workshop Fee $169

Steep granite cliffs outlined by forests of pine and cypress. Highlights are dramatic and spectacular ocean views framed in the gnarled Monterey Cypress branches.
Here is your chance to photograph one of California’s premier landscape and nature locations. Known as the “Crown jewel of the California State Park System”, the windswept shores, rocky coast, and mystical forests of Point Lobos have been an inspiration to Edward Weston, Ansel Adams and generations of landscape photographers. Its timeless beauty, power and mystery moved famed Landscape Artist Francis McComas to declare that “Point Lobos is the greatest meeting of land and water in the world.”
Learn tips and techniques for creating stunning landscape images. During the workshop we will be discussing photographic technique, proper exposure and composition. We will also study the proper use of Neutral Density filters, both standard and graduated, to enhance your images.