Manual Exposure Exercises
- Locate the Exposure scale on your camera. Consult your camera manual if you need help.
- Some cameras have the Plus (overexposed) on the right and Minus (underexposed) on the left. A few camera manufacturers reverse the directions for the Plus and Minus. Note which direction your camera’s scale is oriented.
- Practice changing the shutter speed and f-stop keeping an eye on the exposure level indicator. When the indicator is on the center or null point this is considered the correct exposure. If the indicator is to the right or left of center it will indicate either overexposed (lighter) or underexposed (darker). Hint: Make sure that the ISO is not on auto. The Auto ISO will cause the exposure level indicator to stay in the center.
- Bracket exposures: With your camera in the manual mode select an ISO and compose an image in the viewfinder. Now use the exposure level indicator to set the correct exposure.
- Take a picture at the “correct ” exposure.
- Now change the f-stop or shutter speed until the indicator is on -1 (underexposed) and take another picture.
- Next change the f-stop or shutter speed until the indicator is on +1 (overexposed) and take another picture.
- Compare the three images.
- Equivalent exposures:
With your camera still in the manual mode try the following;
- Take a photo with the camera set to the correct exposure.
- Change the shutter speed until the indicator shows +2. Now change either the f-stop or ISO to bring the indicator back to the center. Take a photo.
- Practice changing shutter speed, f-stop and ISO to create equivalent exposures.
- Optional – Use the Lunar 11 rule discussed in the preceding lesson to take a photograph of the full moon.
- ISO 100
- Shutter speed 1/100th sec
- F-stop 11
I have a Nikon D3500. I can set the ISO under Manual and then move the F-stop and Aperture, but the ISO continues to change. I am able to get different exposures as the exercise indicates, but should I be able to keep the ISO constant? If so, how can I do that?
Hi Mary, Just saw your comment. Your Nikon D3500 is set to auto ISO. The auto ISO will override the manual settings. To turn Auto ISO off, press menu and go to the Shooting Menu (the camera icon). In the shooting menu locate ‘ISO Sensitivity Settings’, scroll left select ‘Auto ISO Sensitivity Control’ and turn it off. If you need help you can call me at San Jose Camera Monday, 408-374-1880.
Thank you!