Light Meter Exercises
- Locate the Light meter settings on your camera. Consult your manual if you are not sure where to find them.
- What metering modes are available on your camera?
- Set the camera to the ‘P’ (program) mode. Choose the Center Weighted meter setting and select ISO 200.
- Take a photograph of a white card and one of a black card. I use 11×14 mat board, but you may use any white or black object available to you. Be creative! Fill the entire frame with the card and try not to get any shadows, background or fingers in the image.
- Compare the images. Does the white appear white? Does the black appear black? Remember that the camera meter averages everything to 18% grey.
- Next overlap the 2 cards and make an exposure that is half white and half black. Look at the image. Does the white appear white? Does the black appear black?
- Advanced – Pose a subject against a light or dark background. Set the camera in the program mode, turn off the auto focus and select the Evaluative (matrix) metering mode.
- Focus on the subject and recompose, placing the subject off center in the frame and take a photograph.
- Now, set the camera meter to partial or spot. Locate the AEL feature on your camera. Place the center focusing point over the subject and lock the exposure. Focus on the subject and recompose, placing the subject off center in the frame and take a photograph. Compare the 2 images.