Assignment 1 File Types
Refer to your camera manual if needed. I recommend that beginning photographers shoot in JPEG with the highest quality (least compressed) selected if you plan to print or do any post production adjustments. Remember that in order to compress the image file color, contrast, saturation and sharpening information is tossed out requiring any editing software you use to interpolate missing data. This will become readily apparent when you make extreme adjustments. The image colors might take on a “posterized” look or sharpening too much may create “artifacts” such as halos along defined edges.
- Locate the image quality settings on your camera.
- What choices are available to you?
- Set your camera on the highest quality jpeg setting (Large/Fine).
If you need help locating the image quality settings on your camera try watching one of the videos below.
Watch Video:
Canon Cameras – How to select file type and image quality
Nikon Cameras – How to select file type and image quality