Today, photography is characterized by a rapid growth in the development of technology and ideas. Each year, millions of pictures are taken and an astonishing array of new cameras and imaging systems enter the market. One of the great attractions …
Solar Eclipse partial phase photographed from Lassen Volcanic NP during the Annular Eclipse of May 20, 2012 Below are some highlights from my “How to Photograph a Solar Eclipse” talk on Friday July 28th, 2017. Please be safe and enjoy this …
Using Neutral Density (ND) and Graduated Neutral Density Filters (GND) The purpose of standard photographic neutral density filters is to allow the photographer greater flexibility to change the aperture, exposure time and/or blur of subject in different situations.
A lens primer for beginning photographers One of the questions I am often asked by new photographers is “What lens should I buy next?” The answer to this question is both simple and highly convoluted. It is a personal decision …